Health, Safety, Security and Environment (HSSE)

The central HSSE Department plays a significant role in the Chief Operating Officer (COO) organization and is a core value of Oil Tank Supply. Oil Tank Supply’s main goal is to manage this in a safe, responsible, and sustainable manner. The handling of large volumes of valuable and potentially hazardous materials calls for responsible and safe operations. We give managing safety in a way that safeguards our personnel, infrastructure, and operational procedures a top priority as we work to protect the environment and promote sustainability.


Oil Tank Supply complies with the highest Health, Safety, Security, and Environment (HSSE) standards, making sure that benchmarks are established and performance is measured to achieve best in class performance, which is reflected in the HSSE policy and in line with Oil Tank Supply’s vision and mission. The following Safety Principles and Life Saving Rules reflect our values and the ways in which we improve our safety culture and performance as we work towards Target Zero (no harm to people or the environment).

Our safety principles:

  • All incidents can be prevented.
  • Management at all levels is accountable for safety and leads by example.
  • We plan and train for safety.
  • Everyone looks out for each other, no matter who they work for.
  • Everyone has the authority to STOP any unsafe work.
  • Safe behavior is recognized, acknowledged and reinforced.
  • Zero tolerance for safety breaches.

Our Life Saving Rules (LSR):

Working at height

Energy isolation

Confined space

Permit to work

Safe lifting

Safe driving

The HSSE Department of Oil Tank Supply covers four main areas of interest:

  • HSSE Governance and Systems
  • Occupational Health, Safety and Security
  • Process Safety Management
  • Environmental and Operational Sustainability

Its main topics are:

  • The internal HSSE meeting structure, structured Objectives and Key Results (OKR) processes, and the launch of central improvement initiatives within Oil Tank Supply are all aligned.
  • the creation, implementation, and setting of guidelines, standards, standards, minimum requirements, and targets to give continuous improvement and excellence in HSSE structure and direction.
  • Integrated audits are used to monitor compliance with our policy, directive, and standards. Detailed HSSE statistics with “leading” and “lagging” Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are also analyzed.
  • promoting efficient HSSE training and education for our staff and contractors.
  • fostering a culture of care with a focus on technical, organizational, and behavior-based safety culture in order to prevent all accidents, injuries, and occupational illnesses.
  • HSSE Leadership.
  • Analysis of HSSE performance data, including incidents, near-miss cases, and unsafe acts and conditions (UAC), with the goal of drawing conclusions and disseminating lessons learned to stop similar occurrences in the future.
  • Management and standardization of HSSE processes using centralized automated tools and systems (such as the Annual Reporting database, Incident Management Database, and HSSE KPI dashboard).
  • Assessment and review of the current environmental conditions and liabilities of Oil Tank Supply’s assets, as well as the establishment of an environmental management system to ensure that asset design, modification, operation, and maintenance adhere to environmental regulations and are consistent with sustainability goals.

We train and educate our employees to carry out all work-related activity on the premises in a safe and secure manner, while meeting all locally applicable regulations and company standards.

In order to ensure that every employee has a safe working environment, Oil Tank Supply holds the Global Safety Day every year at all of our offices and terminals around the globe. On this day, all of our employees and contractors share best practices and opportunities for further development. Numerous of our facilities handle or store hazardous materials. We constantly monitor and assess all potential security threats in order to stop theft, vandalism, and even terrorism.

Through a combination of preventative measures, including fencing, surveillance, and access-control systems, we safeguard our sites. We also provide training on pertinent safety and security procedures to all personnel, including third parties. Regardless of whether the data pertains to customers, suppliers, or employees, or the country in which the data are used, we place a high value on secure data and the protection of personal data. We have a responsibility to continuously evaluate and enhance our risk management and security procedures.

We operate all our assets in a responsible and sustainable manner by:

  • Evaluating and reducing our environmental impact continuously by applying best available technologies where possible,
  • Assessing the current environmental conditions and liabilities of our assets,
  • Establishing an environmental management system to ensure that design, change, operation, and maintenance of assets are in compliance with environmental regulations.

Monitoring our solid, liquid, and gaseous emissions, preventing and managing unplanned losses of containment, reducing emissions and waste from routine operations, getting rid of waste, and evaluating past, present, and future environmental impacts are all included in this.

Everyone who enters an Oil Tank Supply facility (terminal, building, office) has the right to a safe ride home each day after work. Therefore, regardless of their employer, everyone involved in any Oil Tank Supply-related activity is urged to look out for one another.

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